Women Came from the Rib of Man…It’s Fact!

It’s been a very chaotic two months with many plans to make and appointments to keep. Kristina and I have moved into Eva’s (Where I lived with Gretchen) temporarily. Packing up and cleaning the old house she was in was a lot of work.  Gretchen and I are in the process of getting divorced for which I had to become a lawyer in order to sift through mountain of bullshit that goes along with it. It even included a trip to the American Embassy in Bern.  Getting married was waaay easier and far less expensive. I’ve also been to the hospital many times in these two months.  Finally, I have a surgery scheduled for the 25th. If all goes well, I should be able to poop normally for first time in a year.  We don’t have a car and as you know it’s very hilly here so there’s barely been a day when my muscles don’t ache from riding my bike for the first time in nearly a year. On top of all of that, Kristina and I are still getting used to living with each other, we’re making plans for an epic adventure and I have to work for Eva while we stay here.

I’ll tell you all about the new epic adventure (including some other very big news!)on May 3rd which is the 2nd anniversary of my travel life . =D

So there has definitely been much to do but of course I still have to find time for some mini-adventures. I recently went on a hike with two of Eva’s helpers. They came from the upper peninsula of Michigan state to travel Europe. We were instant friends so I took them on one of the first hikes I did in Switzerland. I had been wanting to do it again anyway. We had a great time and had a very close encounter with an ibex that was awesome but for me the most interesting part of the hike was when I discovered that one of these guys was a Creationist!

(Insert record scratching sound here.)

What?! I’ve never met a Creationist before but I guess it’s only natural that it’s an American. Compared to other western countries we are only second to Turkey when it comes to accepting evolution as fact and I think you could even debate whether Turkey is a western country so “We’re number one! U!…S!…A!…U!…S!…A!” *

It didn’t ruin the hike in any way and he’s only 21 years old so there’s still hope for him but it was a stark reminder of the religious fanaticism and the disdain for facts that really turns me off to the U.S.

One of the first responses my Mom gave when I told her I was moving back to Switzerland was “Good, I look forward to the photos.” It’s true, Switzerland is definitely my favorite place to take photos so far and being on Eva’s farm in spring is even better. Nuthin’ says spring like baby animals!  Enjoy!

Click here for more photos.
